quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2010

FAT DUCK Restaurant


Heston Blumenthal

«Taste is one of the six senses (some say we have more), the others being touch, sound, sight, smell and proprioception, (the sense of "ourselves") our bodies own on-board computer.
The sense of taste can then be broken down into five basic categories. All of which happen in the mouth and nowhere else. These categories are salt, sweet, sour, bitter and Umami (the most recently identified taste named by Ikeda in Japan in 1908). There is a current theory that fat is actually a taste but this has yet to be proved.»

The Big Fat Duck Cookbook (2008, ) ISBN: 1596915501
Further adventures in search of perfection (2007, 320p) ISBN: 0747594058

and many more..


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